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    Archive for September, 2018

    How to Overcome & Shift Buyers Beliefs – Looping & Deflecting

    Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

    wolf of wall st








    Jordan Belfort gets full credit for really developing Looping and
    is one of the most effective & interesting objection
    prevention technique
    since it’s :

    “Knocking out the Buyers Beliefs before they bring them up”

    We call this a pre-frame, grabbing the objections that the prospect
    98% of the time they most likely will say, and before they bring it up,
    crush it and shatter the 3 most common stalls and Objections and
    Fears and Doubts they have. 

                           And cut them off at the pass

    The entire philosophy is that More Objections that occur in a Sales
    Transaction, the More Likely there will be in-decision or a No . If a
    presentation has nothing but Yes’s and Positive statements without
    any Objections , Its Way More Likely and Probable to CLOSE the Sale. 

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    A successful sale will occur when you knock away enough objections, fears,
    uncertainties and Doubts so the scale tilts towards the buying
    ( FUD’s )

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    Jordan Belfort’s Straight Line Selling brought this to the surface
    and I want to give credit to him, this is a great technique

    Let’s pre-suppose 3 things right up front :

    1) 97% of the time there will be objections that come up in your
    sales process

    2) 19% to 35% of the time we can close the deal and gain commitment
    on the very first call

    3) A customer buys when He/ she has certainty in these 3 areas
    —  The product you sell / the timing/ benefits it delivers
    —  The company you work with ( credibility)
     — Trust of the sales person

    It’s the people ‘on the fence of in-decision’ that takes you to
    be a Top producer

    You can’t scale your business on lay-downs, you have to learn how
    to overcome their objections and push back and move it forward to the CLOSE

    When you try to close your deal 98% of the prospects are not certain to move forward right now and want to ” Think About it”

    This is where the sale really begins with that prospect says-  let me think about it

    It’s a smokescreen for uncertainty, fears, uncertainties and dealt

    They need more information to increase their certainty

    Your First No

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    When you hear NO or I want to think about it or I have to talk to my
    partner or we don’t have it in the budget .

     The first thing you want to do is —not answer that push back

                                        Use Deflection

    Here are a few examples of the first loop you do

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    ” I totally understand what you’re saying, many of the other VPs of technologies
    CIOs, CTO’s I talk with had said the same thing initially, but let me ask you
    a question… does the idea makes sense to you !  “

     ”  I hear what you’re saying, does the idea makes sense to
    you. Do you like the idea?

    This shows where the prospect is at in the certainty scale about your
    product or service

    As Soon as they say yes they like the idea ….

    You can say … fantastic what do you see as the biggest advantages
    and benefits over what you’re doing now?

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    Now we come in for the second loop

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    ” Exactly it is a great idea and those are amazing benefits and advantages

        in fact the true beauty of the service and the product is

    —  Benefit 1

    Benefit 2

    Remove Problem or issue 3

    Exactly it really is an awesome product and service

    “Let me ask–if I had been your financial adviser let’s say for
    the last 36 months making you money on a consistent basis you
    wouldn’t be saying let me think it over right now you probably
    saying let’s get started because you trust me as an expert”

    ” or if I’d been your marketing and sales analyst and it’s 12 months
    from now and we knew each other really good and I Exceeded
    your expectations of the last 12 months, you probably wouldn’t
    be saying I want to think it over right now, 
    am I right ?

    Exactly I understand your feelings you don’t know me and my track
    record and my company’s track record

    Let’s cut to the heart of the matter you, you don’t know me
    My company and you don’t trust me and or the ROI so
    let’s deal with that

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    Product / Timing          Company             TRUST of the Sales Person

    Now we come in for the 3ird loop -CLOSING TIME.

    I’m going to be the # 1 producer of my company and I
    pride myself in helping my clients save money and get way better
    efficiencies and productivity out of their systems.

    I’m constantly meeting customers that initially were skeptical like
    yourself, almost 90% of the clients I talk with are just like you. And
    then six months later I get text’s and email’s saying thank you so much
    and are so happy with their decision.

    I plan on being number one at my company and I’m not going to get
    there without my clients giving me tons of referrals

    And as far as our company goes:

    — We’ve made it into Profit magazine for four years as the 37th
       fastest growing company in Canada

    — We have over 183 companies that were using a system like you
    had initially and have switched to our system and over the last
        6 to 12 months have saved an average of $450,000 and increase
        their efficiency and through-put 73%

    Let’s say you signup for our ‘Cloud Based SAAS Platform’ and I’m 
    totally wrong and our product doesn’t meet your needs and you want
    to go back to your old way/method/system of doing things …

    Is the cost & Time of doing this going to put your company
    in the poor 
    house ?. Not really …hardly a dent in your monthly

    What’s the worst that could go wrong?

    — You make a 100% ROI at 8 mths instead of 6 months
    –Your increased through-put is 50% more not 73%

    ..And the up-side potential & probability is awesome , what
    if we can
    Benefit 1 
    and Benefit 2

    We can start off small and slow with just a few modules…

    In addition what we can do for you besides this transaction we
    can help you with ______ and _________ .

    What if 50% of this is right , it would still be amazing

    Please don’t misconstrue my enthusiasm for pressure here,
    I just think it would be a perfect fit for your company

    Honestly the only problem your’re going to have is that
    we didn’t show this to you 6 – 12 months ago…

    Big Closing Question :

     So if we can :

    –Offer benefit 1
    –Gain Benefit 2
    –Remove Problem 3
    –With a 100% Risk Reversal guarantee for 3 months
    — No Contracts and can cancel anytime

    Can you think of any reason Why we can’t get started right now getting
    these benefits and advantages for your company ?