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    Cold Call Objection Handling Templates

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    Here is a great short objection handler to use when booking meetings & audits

    True story, Let’s call her Jane she is selling $100,000.00 – $500,000.00 LED Retrofits of huge warehouse’s and facilities. This business has a 30% net profit margin …so there is significant commission in this industry

    I witnessed Jane use this objection handler 3 X . She Booked the meeting right in front of me . Then met the client and earned over $ 450,000.00 in sales deal flow with prospects who said “ Were Not Interested “ initially

    Great objection handler for  “We’re not interested”

    That’s perfectly OK, and just know that I am not trying to sell anything today. Instead I just want to provide you with a proven resource you might be able to use down the road should you find you ever need :

    –An LED retrofit of your facility to save 80% off your monthly utility bills, give your warehouse 10 times better lighting and reduce the carbon footprint

    Or to compare quotes and services with a different “best practice” all in one LED provider

    I understand you’re not interested right now or working with someone else , BUT … I would still like to Meet you and introduce myself and drop off some information, brochures and pricing
    to you

    Hey …How does your calendar look for Friday @ ________ or Tuesday
    @ ______ ? 

    Click to hear Audio of Live call

    Business to business cold calling for appointments and meetings is brutally hard. We are doing interrupter marketing, calling people that are not expecting our calls and completely interrupting their train of thought, what they are doing , functions and tasks

    Your timing, the Value you deliver, your Research and your Name drops will immediately Blow away any push-back or objection”

    It really is a numbers game

    If you have a good researched list with 3 to 5 name drops and internal credible referrals, a good core message, and you’re confident and certain in your tonality and tempo —  you’ve got a 50% chance

    You have to be able to truly understand your prospect and target

    You have to understand the pain that they could be experiencing

    And truly believe that your solution consultant that pain

    And express that confidence and certainty in 20 to 42 seconds  on the phone

    But one thing for certain we as sales professionals have the upper hand because we can predict exactly what they’re going to say before they say it

    Conditioned response

     Just like a bug , a Mosquito lands on your arm … it would be totally reasonable to swat it off you



    This is what your prospect is doing …

    These happen generally in the first 10 to 20 seconds of the call. Pushback, we’re not interested, we’re fine with what we have, we’re working with so and so

    You have to understand that 100% of the prospects and targets couldn’t care less about the core message

    Prepare to be the best but expect the worst on every single call

    If you prepare to be the best and expect the worst… then you’ll be able to block and counter punch the conditioned responses within the first 20 to 40 seconds


    Some of the tools we use to get “ICR’s” (  Internal Credible Referrals and name drops are
    https://hunter.io/search Email Hunter -the best free resource to get

    All of the email addresses and names of top decision makers in any company

    == https://connect.data.com/home –   This is a crowd sourced database with over 70 Million records . Its been sourced by 200,000 sales professionals and its FREE

    == https://www.linkedin.com  – Linkedin is a great source to get the names of people in their inner circle

    Why is this good ? And why the hassle of all this waste of time researching you’re thinking ?

    You can use their “Trigger Events ‘ that are going on in your – Opening statement – In an Email to them – In a Voice mail to them


    who you know

    I used to just call the lowest level person in the department I’m going after. And then I would just shoot the breeze with this person and go oh what’s the weather like over there, what city are you in ? cool ,never been there , here it’s beautiful, your part of the _____________team is that right ?

    Excellent and Jimmy Jones he would be the chief operating officer right, and he would take care of the reviewing and evaluation of their __________

    Then I would ask the Gent , if you could improve, change or alter anything with regards ___________, what would be on your Dream Wish List ?

    Oh hi Jim I was talking with Kathy and your name came up as the resident expert in authority I need to talk to you, did I catch you at a good time can you talk for a brief moment?”

    Oh hi Jim, Murray here I was doing some research on your School District and I was talking with Kathy which led me to a Bill and they both seem to agree that you were the resident expert I need to talk to, did I catch you at a good time can you talk for a bit moment? “

    oh hi Bill it’s Murray here , I have been bouncing around between a bunch of your peer group and colleagues over there I was trying to reach Kathy, and then that led me to Bill and then to James and I see you’re the director of Communications over there — would you be the right point of contact who would take care of Communications & Parent / Teacher communications

     Oh Hi Jim , I just got off the phone with James and we were talking about some of the Gaps he’s been experiencing with ____________ and he mentioned that you’d be the best point of contact regarding ____________ ,

    Do you have a focus or attention in this area ?”

    The Permission based referral Decision Maker method :

    permission based flow

    Here are some Conditioned Response templates to use in the 1st 20 – 40 seconds of any Push-back

    Preparation & Anticipating rejection…

    • Agree with him say whatever he said and feed it back to him.
      1. That’s totally cool
      2. That’s not a problem …
      3. Not a problem at all…
      4. You’re absolutely right

    I have had other people in the home building industry in Hamilton say the same thing — say this before. Probably 98% of our clients all had other systems/ crm solutions in place when we first me them

    • Group them together with others

    ”As I said, we’ve been servicing real estate home-builders and Agencies for over 17 years and have 400 clients in n America.. for nearly 17 years and have had 1,000’s of people say the same thing, that they were happy with their present setup, some had paper , pens and excel and that’s great

    …So I totally know where you’re coming from

    ‘ We’ve had 400 companies like yours put their reservations aside for 9 minutes and were totally blown away and have been clients for years’

    (You need to validate what they are saying so they feel that you are listening to them)

    “I totally understand –why would anyone consider this if there weren’t a rock solid viable alternative?

    ‘ the 5 other customers we have in your area , such as___________ and
    ________________ when we met them they were all using another solution.

    • Seduce and entice them with better results/benefits and ..

    Many other [industry] members are open to getting some new innovative ideas that would allow them to –Do More with Less and feel it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and keep their ear to the ground on new technology regarding CRM solutions and Automated email technology changes so fast ,,, if you’ve been using a crm for 3- 5 years now , there’s major breakthroughs in features and functionality that were not available at that time ,not even invented –such as

                 Distract & Refocus on New Possibilities.
    You made it very clear that you’re happy with your present set up and that’s cool …If down the line in the future …

    … If you found out from a fact or from someone you respected or admired and they said you could improve efficiencies and reduce costs… and monster benefit  1, 2 , 3

    • Might that change your opinion slightly?
    • I’m just wondering if you suspended your judgment or perspective for just a brief moment and found out for a fact that our “Solution” could compliment and augment what you’re doing/using a


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